HVACR Inudstry Regulations

HVACR Industry Regulations

Stay up to date with the latest news on HVACR industry regulations

HVACR Industry regulations with copeland

The Refrigerant Transition and Energy Efficiency Requirements

The regulation of refrigerants is driving significant change in the HVACR industry. At the heart of this issue is the subject of carbon emissions from hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants and their potential contribution to climate change. As global, national and state regulations have targeted the phase-down of HFCs in recent years, the industry has seen a shift toward alternative refrigerants with lower global warming potential (GWP). While more environmentally friendly, these emerging options have additional challenges around performance and safety, with many of the lowest-GWP alternatives bearing a degree of flammability.

Making matters even more complex is the continuing evolution of new energy efficiency requirements for commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. These requirements are further driving innovation.

Low-GWP Refrigerant Options for EPA Regulations

Stay Informed with Copeland

Regardless of how complex these issues have become, Copeland has continued to optimize its products and solutions to help in the transition to compliance. By our employees taking an active role in organizations such as AHRI, ASHRAE and CANENA, Copeland remains informed on and close to the ever-changing landscape of international, national and state-level regulations.

Most recently, Copeland’s experts have been supporting initiatives to explore more globally friendly refrigerants through participation in the AHRI Safe Refrigerant Transition Task Force. The task force was established with the goal of evaluating and in turn enabling safe and reliable use of low GWP refrigerants. Whether its energy efficiency or the transition to lower-GWP refrigerants, Copeland stands ready to help guide and support its customers in overcoming these complexities.

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